Bend of the River is a 70-acre complex located in southern Berrien County Michigan. The club was incorporated in 1946.
Signed in as:
Bend of the River is a 70-acre complex located in southern Berrien County Michigan. The club was incorporated in 1946.
See the grounds of our club, the 300 yard riffle range and 12 shooting bays with shelters.
This program is offered free to teach the young gun safety and there is never a charge with us suppling the equipment and ammo
Explanation of our Benchrest Centerfire
ALWAYS keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction - downrange is usually the safest.
ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
ALWAYS keep your gun unloaded until ready to use.
Know your target and what is beyond.
Know how to use the gun safely.
Be sure the gun is safe to operate.
Use only the correct ammunition for your gun.
Shooters and spectators must wear eye and hearing protection while on the range.
Never use alcohol or over-the-counter, prescription or other drugs before or while shooting.
Use only paper, foam, cardboard, clay pigeons or steel targets designed for the action shooting sports.
Target stands need to be setup at the proper height so that your projectile will hit backstop of your bay.
Shooting is permitted only when all persons are behind the designated shooting line.
If multiple parties would like to use a certain range, each party will yield use every 45 minutes.
Pickup and dispose of any trash that accumulates during your session.
No firing will be permitted before 9:00 A.M. Firing shall cease at dusk or 8:30 P.M. YOU are responsible for the actions of your non-member guests!
YOU are responsible for range safety!
Targets must be mounted to an approved target stand and ensure the bullet passes through the target and into the backstop.
Any handgun or handgun caliber firearm is allowed on Bays 1 through 12
and these bays may be used for short range rifle shooting, sighting in, tactical shotguns and other firearms.
NO AMMUNITION is allowed in the Designated Safe Areas.
This range is for 100, 200 and 300 yard shooting only.
Steel Targets are NOT permitted on the Rifle Range (Exceptions require written approval from the Board of Directors).
Shooting at the ground or objects on the ground is prohibited.
Cross lane or diagonal shooting is prohibited.
Any legal rifle, shotgun with slugs and/or rifled barrel, muzzle loader or handgun is permitted.
No children allowed to operate the golf cart
All persons using the ranges are personally responsible for range safety and where the projectiles they fire go.
You must use properly positioned targets at the correct height
The area to the west of the Clubhouse is the trap range.
There is a clay pigeon thrower with wobbler attached to a concrete pad
This is the ONLY area for trap shooting.
Clay pigeons are the ONLY target for use in the Trap Range.
Shotguns are the ONLY type of firearm to be used in the Trap Range with no larger than 7.5 shot.
Only 1 shell loaded at a time except for doubles
Actions should be open and empty when carried otherwise shotguns should be on rack.
When shooting completed thrower should be turned off, re-connected to the solar charge and completely covered.
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